*College; ITE, Poly, JC & Others*


The Institute of Technical Education is a post-secondary institution in Singapore that provides pre-employment training to secondary school leavers and continuing education and training to working adults. Established by Ministry of Education, it was formerly known as Vocational and Industrial Training Board (VITB). ITE has three colleges that offer the National ITE Certificate (NITEC), Higher NITEC, Master NITEC and diploma programmes.


Singapore Polytechnic, the first polytechnic established in Singapore, was founded in 1954. The former campus was originally located at Prince Edward Road. In 1978, it was relocated to its present-day location at Dover next to Dover MRT Station. The year of 2010 saw Singapore Polytechnic’s 50th graduation ceremony and 150,000th graduate.

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Junior colleges in Singapore were designed to offer an accelerated alternative to the traditional three-year programme, but the two-year programme they offer has become the norm for students pursuing university education.

Junior colleges accept students based on their O-level results; an L1R5 (first language and five relevant subjects) score of 20 points or less must be attained for a student to gain admission. Junior colleges provide a 2-year programme leading up to the A-level examinations. The CI accepts students based on their GCE O-level results; an L1R4 (first language and four relevant subjects) score of 20 points or less must be attained for a student to gain admission. Millennia Institute provides a 3-year course leading up to the A-level examinations.


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